Software for dSCR devices

Software Size Version Release date Information
dSCRmaster 1.28 MB 1.1 2017.09.20 PC program for single cable multiswitch programmer PC102W. Connect the PC102W by USB cable to PC. Download and unzip the file before using.

Other software

Software Size Version Release date Information
TERRnet 17.8 MB v1.0.1 2022.03.31 PC program for programmable terrestrial amplifiers PAxxx. Allows you to create configurations and manage connected devices via USB. Unzip the archive and launch the TERRnet.exe file.
Emergency App 596 KB 2020.06.23 Automated emergency control software for mix440, miq440, mid420 devices.
3.42 MB 4.4.1 2020.04.16 This free software is intended to facilitate designing of SAT IF distribution networks on the base of multiswitches of company TERRA. Download and unzip the file before using.
Tutorial 14 1.58 MB 14 2014.05.15 A movie showing the process of designing multiswitch system with the use of SatNet software. Adobe Flash Player is required. Unzip and execute file.
OD Explorer 1.15 MB 1.2.0 2014.10.03 Free PC program for management units with embedded device server (mo41xxL, mo4x8L, etc...) using SNMP. Unpack archive to hard disk and launch the program OD_Explorer.exe.